100th Birthday Party for Naomi Harris – Postponed

The 100th Birthday Celebration Open House for Naomi Harris that was scheduled for Sunday, August 2nd, has been postponed until further notice. Naomi is fine, but had concerns of anyone contracting COVID from being in a large group of people. Please feel free to send her a card or if you don’t have her address, please send it to the church c/o Naomi Harris and we’ll get it to her. Her actual birthday is Thursday, August 6th.

Suburban Christian School Graduations

Saturday, June 27th will be the graduation ceremonies for both K-5 classes and the high school. Due to social distancing, seating will be limited to family invitation only.

There will not be any reception following the graduation ceremony.

Card Shower For Jaime Anderson

We will be having a card/gift card shower for Jaime Anderson due to her living out of town. All Cards/gifts can be turned into the church office, to Laurie Burtner, Jeanie Glover or Tammy Green by Sunday, June 21st.

Bridal Shower for Bethany Pierce

Saturday, June 13th at 10:00 am, we’ll be hosting a bridal shower for Bethany Pierce. It will be held in the chapel. Bethany is registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond, Target, Walmart and Amazon. If you have any questions, please see Tammy Green, Laurie Burtner or Yvette Herrmann.