Veteran’s Day Pitch-in

Sunday, November 14th, we will honor our veteran’s during the morning service and have an all-church pitch-in afterwards in the school gym. The church will provide fried chicken, you can sign up in the lobby for side dishes and desserts. Please contact Laurie Burtner if you have questions.

The 6:00 pm service will be held at approximately 1:15 pm. There will NOT be a 6:00 pm service.


Saturday, November 13th at 5:00 pm, is the annual IBC Fall Banquet. Please contact Indiana Baptist College at: (317) 882-2345 for more details.

Teen Youth Rally

Friday, November 5th, 7:00 pm is the Teen Youth Rally at Lighthouse Baptist Church. The van will be leaving at 6:15 pm. Please send money with your teen as they will stop to eat after the rally, returning back to the church around 10:30 pm.

Master Club Fall Festival

Wednesday, October 27th at 6:45 pm is the Master Club Fall Festival held in the school gym. There will be bounce houses, games and prizes! Please plan to attend and have a great time! See Tammy Green, Zach Goar or Jeanie Glover if you have any questions.

All Church Chili Cook-off

Saturday, October 23rd is the All-church Chili Cook-off at the church. We will be meeting in the gym with festivities being held behind the gym. Plan to bring your favorite chili recipe to compete! Sign up in the Lobby if you plan to attend.

Young at Heart Cookout

Saturday, October 9th at 4:00 pm is a cookout for the Young at Heart Sunday school class. It’s at the home of the Connelly’s. Please contact them if you plan to attend.