No Master Clubs
There is no Master Clubs on Wednesday, October 2nd and Wednesday, October 9th.
There is no Master Clubs on Wednesday, October 2nd and Wednesday, October 9th.
Sunday, September 29th, at noon is our 5th Sunday pitch-in and early service. The pitch-in is held in the school gym. The evening service will begin at approximately 1:15 pm. There will NOT be a 6:00 pm service.
Due to inclement weather, SCS Crusader night has been rescheduled from Friday, September 27th to Tuesday, October 15th at 4:30 pm.
Tuesday, September 10th at 9:00 am is the monthly GIBF meeting. Dr. Charles Harding with be the guest speaker for the day.
Sunday, September 8th we will have Dr. Charles Harding in our services. Sunday school classes 7th grade through Young at Heart will be combined in the sanctuary.
Saturday, September 7th is the Teen Harvest Rally in New Castle, IN. Cost is $20 per teen. Lunch is provided, bring extra money for snacks.
Our Master Clubs kids program starts back up on Wednesday, August 28th at 6:45 pm in the gym.
This is for children ages 3 years – 6th grade.
Sunday, August 18th, following the evening service we will be having a dessert fellowship in the chapel to say “farewell” to our college kids.
Saturday, April 6th at 5:00 pm we are having a family pizza and game night in the gym. Pizza, chips, cookies and drinks are provided, cost is $5/adult, $3/child, children under 2 are free, max family cost is $20. Bring your favorite game, children’s game and remember to sign up in the lobby or on Churchtrac so we know how much food to order. You may pay through the offering, just mark your envelope “Family activity”.
Wednesday’s beginning at 5:00 pm we are canvassing our local community with door hangers inviting everyone to come to church. We have special hangers for our Easter services, as well regular service invitation hangers. Please contact Pastor Matt Ellis if you have questions or if you need to go at a different time.