Progressive Dinner

Saturday, February 11th at 5:00 pm is our adult progressive dinner. We will begin at the church with soup and salad in the chapel, then to the Pfender’s for the main course, then to the home of the Burtner’s for dessert. There is a sign-up sheet in the lobby, please see Laurie Burtner if you have any questions.

There will be childcare provided along with pizza for the kids. We ask that you please indicate number of children on the sign-up sheet, and please send drinks and snacks for your child(ren).

5th Sunday Pitch-in and Early Service

Sunday, January 29th is our 5th Sunday pitch-in and early evening service. We will have a guest speaker in all the services that Sunday. The church is providing fried chicken for the pitch-in, please sign up in the church lobby to bring sides, desserts and drinks. Set up for the pitch-in will be Saturday, January 28th at 7:00 pm. Please see Laurie Burtner if you haveany questions.

Christmas Day Schedule

Sunday, December 25th Schedule:

9:30 am: Adult Sunday School Breakfast Pitch-in;

12:00 pm: The Lord’s Supper will be observed;


Please contact Laurie Burtner or the church office if you have any questions.