Resurrection/Easter Service Blitz

Suburban Baptist Church 722 E. County Line Road, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Saturday, April 9th at 10:00 am. Meet at the church for coffee and donuts and help blitz the surrounding area, inviting neighbors to come to church on Easter Sunday.

Treasure Hunt

Suburban Baptist Church 722 E. County Line Road, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Easter Sunday at 10:30 am, there will be an Easter Treasure Hunt in the school yard.

Ladies Lighthouse Conference

Lighthouse Baptist Church 6950 E. Raymond St, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Friday, August 5th at 7:00 pm is the Ladies Conference at Lighthouse Baptist Church. There will be a car pool leaving the church around 6:00 pm. Please let Jeanie Glover or Laurie Burtner know if you'll be participating in the car pool.

Ladies Lighthouse Conference

Lighthouse Baptist Church 6950 E. Raymond St, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Saturday, August 6th is the Ladies Conference at Lighthouse Baptist Church. There will be a car pool leaving the church approximately at 8:15 am. There will be a light breakfast provided at Lighthouse starting at 8:00 am. Please let Jeanie Glover or Laurie Burtner know if you'll be participating in the car pool.