4 events found.
SCS vs Crossroads & Alumni Game
Suburban Christian School 722 E. County Line Road, Indianapolis, IN, United States4:30 pm: Jr High & JV Volleyball vs Crossroads 6:00 pm: Varsity Vs. Alumni Soccer 6:30 pm: Varsity Vs. Alumni Volleyball
Girl’s Volleyball Tournament
722 E. County Line Road, Indianapolis, IN, United StatesLadies Dinner at the Willard
Ladies will have dinner at the Willard in Franklin. We're praying for nice weather so we can eat outside. If you're driving, please meet us there at 6:00 pm. If you're carpooling, please meet us at the church at 5:15 pm.
Young at Heart Bible Study
Suburban Baptist Church 722 E. County Line Road, Indianapolis, IN, United StatesMeets weekly in the chapel. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Connelly.