
Couple’s Retreat @ Shipshewana IN

Farmstead Inn IN, United States

Couple's Retreat at Shipshewana. We'll be staying at the Van Buren. Meetings will be at 7:00 on Thursday and Friday evenings in the conference room. A group dinner will be at The Essenhaus Restaurant on Friday evening at 5:00 pm.

Bus Ministry – Picnic Sunday

Suburban Baptist Church 722 E. County Line Road, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Everyone is invited to attend a picnic on the church grounds.

Indians Game

722 E. County Line Road, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Indians game - Dollar night for concessions. Please see Jeanie for ticket information  

Ladies Conference at Lighthouse

Lighthouse Baptist Church 6950 E. Raymond St, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Ladies Conference at Lighthouse Baptist Church