3-24-2020 Service Schedule Update

Church Family,

On Monday, March 23, Governor Holcomb declared a statewide “Stay at Home” order.  This declaration requires Hoosiers to stay at home except for permitted activities, such as taking care of others, obtaining necessary supplies, and for health and safety.”  In speaking with our attorney, Joshua Hershberger, he informed me that having our musicians and A/V personnel at church to live stream services is considered essential and is being encouraged.

This mandate goes into full effect at midnight tonight and covers two Wednesdays and two Sundays (25 Mar, 29 Mar, 1 Apr, and 5 Apr).  I want to strongly encourage you to hunker down and watch the live stream.  Our schedule is as follows.

No Sunday School                                     

Live Stream Morning Service                    10:30 am

Live Stream Evening Service                     6:00 pm

Live Stream Wednesday Service              7:00 pm

Prayerfully Optimistic,
